Tárcsás darabológépek Tárcsás darabológépek

Automata darabolósorok


New automatic CNC cutting line mod. NEW LINE-350 for 90° cuts, suitable for cutting hollow bars with round, square or rectangular section featuring automatic loading and unloading of pieces and made up of the following:

  • “CI” type automatic loader with inclined worktable designed for loading hollow bars with round, square or rectangular section; rapid centralised adjustment of bar dimensions by means of just two handwheels, or “CF” type automatic bundle loader with anti-overlapping device for hollow bar loading with round, square or rectangular section; rapid centralised adjustment of bar dimensions by means of just two handwheels.
  • Bar feed unit supplied with rollers and driven by a gearmotor assisted by an inverter controlling rapid feed speed and the associated acceleration and deceleration ramps for bar feeding.
  • Cutting head with 2-speed electric motor, motor amperometric absorption control, tempered and ground oil-bathed reducing gears, cutting head downstroke speed adjustment, blade double lubrication system (with emulsifiable oil or oil microlubrication).
  • Bar locking with double vice.
  • Pressure adjustment of bar feed rollers and double vice.
  • Bar stop with digital instrument displaying bar cutting length, vertically movable stop retainer providing maximum accuracy of cutting repeatability.
  • Automatic unloader provided with inclinable table for the selection of the side from which faced, cut or end-trimmed pieces are unloaded.
  • New programming instrument with 5” backlit graphic display for the management and optimisation of cutting parameters and settings.

Optional accessories on request: 

  • Blade rotation inverter for speed variation according to the type of material to be cut.
  • Extra bar stop adding a second cutting size option in sequence.
  • Cutting-head with inclined linear movement, suitable for cutting square and rectangular pipes, with an entry into the bar which reduce at the minimum the frazes.
  • Inclined vice of 45°, for a better blocking of the piece to cut.