Tárcsás darabológépek Tárcsás darabológépek

Függőleges mozgású tárcsás darabológépek

NTS 315

  • Movable head 45° right and 60° left
  • Head rotation stops 45° - 0° - 45° - 60°
  • Vice complete with anti-burr device
  • Motor pump for blade lubrification
  • Shave breaker to keep the blade cleaned
  • Adjustable stops for head vertical stroke
  • Bar stop
  • Roller support arm
  • Service tools
  • Instruction manual and exploded view of spare parts
  • Steel pedestal
  • Operation

Cycle start is obtained by pressing the relevant double start button. The machine performs the following operations during the cutting cycle:

  1. vice closing and activation of blade motor
  2. cutting head downstroke
  3. blade motor stop and return of head to initial position
  4. vice opening.
  • Overall dimensions: 1500 mm x 650 mm x 2000 mm

Optional equipment:

  • Elecric motor 17 - 34 rpm 1,32-1,91 kW
  • 2 - 4 - 6 metre long bar support

NTS 315-2.png

NTS 315-1.png